Launched in late 2009, Chat Roulette was created by a 17-year-old high school student in Moscow, Russia named Andrey Ternovsky. This month we’ll take a look at the origins of the original Chat Roulette site and then check out some of the homo alternatives that are still around. There’s something fun and almost addictive about having to constantly decide whether to stick with the current video stream or to click it away (perhaps never to see it again) in hopes that the next one will be better. Nonetheless, chat roulette sites still offer something unique thanks to the way they work. Guys in search of cam sex can easily meet up in normal online chat rooms and then do the video deed privately via Skype or any other video-equipped platform. In addition, many mobile hookup apps now offer video chat as well. In recent years, two-way video chat has been integrated into most IM apps. Wolf Mendelsohn looks at the history of chat roulette sites and then checks out some modern gay spinoffs.Ģ010 was the year when chat roulette sites had their brief moment in the spotlight, but against the odds the genre itself persists.